We look at the primary flight controls, where they are located and how their movement causes an aircraft to pitch, roll or yaw. We also look at the 3 different axis in aircraft: Longitudinal; Lateral and Normal axis.
Secondary Control Surfaces
In this video we look at some secondary flight controls such as FLAPS; SLATS; SPOILERS and TABS.
Why Do Planes Have Flaps?
A lot of planes would deploy the flaps before takeoff and landing. Flaps are a kind of high-lift device; everything you need to know about them is explained in this video.
Left Turning Tendencies
Single-engine propeller airplane left (and right) turning tendencies.
These are the very basics of a glass panel like a G1000. The electronic displays replace the “big six” round dial gauges and display some other information to help situational awareness.
Turn Coordinator VS Turn and Slip Indicator
Do you know the difference in a turn coordinator and a turn and slip indicator?
The Traffic Pattern
In this video we look at the airport traffic pattern, its general characteristics, rules of thumb to fly it in a standard way, the recommended techniques to enter and exit the pattern, among other related stuff.
Runway Markings
There are many markings on a runway. And the markings each have their own meaning and rules. From now on, let’s see what they mean by drawing the markings on the runway surface together.
Sectional Charts
In this video I go over how to read an FAA Sectional Aeronautical Chart, including reviewing the Sectional Chart Legend, and how to read various symbols on the chart.
Explanation of VFR and IFR.
ATC Communication
The Essential ATC Communications and Phrases.
ATC Communication Tips
I learned to fly in the Dallas Class B airspace and it was really intimidating, but now I’m really confident in that airspace. Looking back there were a few things that really helped me in my confidence with air traffic control that I wanted to summarize in this video in case it helps you in your aviation journey.
Non-Towered Radio Calls Made Easy
In this video, I explain how to make radio calls on the Common Traffic Advisory Frequency. I also discuss all the different services available when using a CTAF.
Aerodynamic Stall
A simple explanation that looks at the aerodynamic forces that cause a STALL.
Pitch or Power to Control Airspeed and Altitude
How should I control my airplane when I’m making an approach? Should I use PITCH or POWER to control my airspeed? How should I control my altitude? should I use pitch or power? In this free flight training lesson, I answer the age old question on how to control your airplane!
Types of Airspeed
When you’re moving an object through a moving air mass of varying density and temperature, and using that air mass + speed to keep the airplane in the sky, its important to know about more than one type of speed.
Vx and Vy Speeds
You may know about Vx and Vy, and how they are derived, but did you know that while Vx, your best rate of climb speed, increases with altitude, your Vy, best rate of climb speed, actually goes down? Here’s an illustrated guide to understanding why.
Vg diagram explained
In this video we’ll explain how to use a VG diagram and what it means in terms of stall speed and accelerated stalls when flying. We’ll also go over how you should handle flight through turbulence, and why it is important to remain below maneuvering speed when flying through rough air.
Explaining V-tails by comparing them to the traditional tails on an aircraft.
Epic Airports
Here are several epic airports that you might not yet know about.
Aviation Apps 2024 Free!
Whether you’re a seasoned pilot, a plane-spotter, or simply fascinated by the world of flight, these apps will provide you with entertainment and/or information, from real-time flight tracking and weather updates to games and educational resources.